Norris Lake Water Safety

Safety on the water always comes first!
Please read the provided information before operating water craft on Norris Lake.

TWRA Lake Water Safety Tips

Water Skiing

Water skiing can be exciting and safe.  Observe the following safe driving tips:

  • Check steering and throttle controls for proper operation before towing skier.
  • On take-offs, never accelerate until a definite signal is given by skier.
  • When under way, keep attention ahead. The observer is to watch the skier.
  • Never follow other boats. Always look before turning. Avoid shallow water.
  • Promote safety by staying away from other boats, swimmers, fishermen and solid objects.
  • Return to fallen skier immediately. Slow to idle as you approach skier, moving in on the driver’s side.
  • Shut off engine while skier climbs into or out of boat. Discourage skiers from boarding over transom.
  • High speed landings cause injuries. When skiing into shore, reduce speed and parallel the landing area at a safe distance.
  • Do not tow non-swimmers or weak swimmers unless they wear an approved and appropriate flotation device.
  1. Be mindful and aware of your surroundings.
  2. ALWAYS OBEY “NO WAKE ZONE” notifications. In most cases these areas are established for swimmers, onshore fishing and to decrease the potential risk of damage done to a docked boat or watercraft.
  3. DO NOT overload your watercraft.
  4. DO NOT operate a boat/Personal Watercraft (PWC) while under the influence of alcohol.  You could seriously harm yourself and others.  Serious penalties can be applied by the law.
  5. Make sure Personal Flotation Devices readily available and that you have one for every person on board the boat.
  6. Children under the age of 12 must wear a Personal Flotation Device while underway — even while drifting.
  7. Let someone know of your whereabouts, how long you will be gone and when you expect to return.
  8. Never follow directly behind other boats or PWC.
  9. SLOW DOWN BEFORE approaching docks, boats, swimmers, shore, bridges.
  10. PWC/wave runners cannot be operated between sunset and sunrise.

(*Information/rules obtained from the TWRA website.)

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